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Standard Macro Calculator

It’s real simple…

Step 1) Add your weight in the box below.

Step 2) Hit the green “Go!” button.

You’re done!

Weight:  lbskg    TDEE:     

Cut (0/-875)

Training Day Macros (TDEE)
Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)


Rest Day Macros (TDEE-875kcal)
Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)


Lean Bulk (+450/+100)

Training Day Macros (TDEE+450kcal)
Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)


Rest Day Macros (TDEE+100kcal)
Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)


Recomposition (+20%/-20%)

Training Day Macros (TDEE+20%)
Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)


Rest Day Macros (TDEE-20%)
Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g)

Note - If your rest day intake is under 1,300kcal (1,200kcal for women) in the Cut (0/-875) macros, use the Recomp (+20%/-20%) rest day macros.

About This Calculator

This version of the calculator is based off the ORIGINAL Leangains protocol.

Roughly two decades ago, one of the pioneers behind Leangains system discovered an unusual little secret...

He found that his clients got the fastest results...

When they split their carbs and fats in a 75/25 ratio.

What does this mean?

It means that on training days, you want your total calories from carbs and fats to have a 75/25 split. Meaning, you want 75% of those calories to come from carbs... and 25% to come from fats.

And on rest daysdays when you aren’t training — you’d reverse carbs and fats. (75% of calories from fats, and 25% from carbs).

That’s what the early adopters of the Leangains method found to be the most optimal way to eat.

Problem is, in order to map out your macros successfully...

You’d need to have a good understanding of what each macronutrient is comprised of... along with some basic spreadsheet programming skills.

And since most people aren’t math savvy...

Many Leangains practitioners screw up their macros...

And blow their chances of getting ripped in time. Their diet usually takes twice as long as it should, and they often give up before they ever reach their desired physique.

There’s a reason why great diet coaches charge $200 an hour to set this up for you.

To make life easier, and to help you reach your goals...

I’ve programmed ALL the technical mumbo jumbo into this calculator.

Not only do you save money, but you save time.


Oops, almost forgot...

Let’s address the elephant in the room...

How much protein should YOU eat?

There’s a BIG debate about this...

To this day, this is one of the most common questions people “fight” over.

Instead of adding kerosene to the fire, I thought I’d share the two most common approaches with you...

This is what two of the Leangains pioneers suggest...

Option 1) 0.91—1.13 grams of protein per pound of LEAN body mass.

Option 2) 0.91—1.36 grams of protein per pound of TOTAL body mass.

Which option should YOU pick?

Just pick one...

And test it out for a few weeks. If all is good... you’ve chosen the right option.

If you find it tough to get your protein in, or if you’re constantly hungry...

You’ll have to make some adjustments.

At the end of the day, this calculator is just a STARTING POINT. And it’s a pretty DAMN good starting point at that.

It’s up to you to tailor and adjust.


Training Day (TDEE)
  Grams (g) Calories (kcal) Ratio (%)
Rest Day (TDEE-875kcal)
  Grams (g) Calories (kcal) Ratio (%)

Lean Bulk (+450/+100)

Training Day (TDEE+450kcal)
  Grams (g) Calories (kcal) Ratio (%)
Rest Day (TDEE+100kcal)
  Grams (g) Calories (kcal) Ratio (%)

Recomp (+20%/-20%)

Training Day (TDEE+20%)
  Grams (g) Calories (kcal) Ratio (%)
Rest Day (TDEE-20%)
  Grams (g) Calories (kcal) Ratio (%)